Stephan Choiniere
Director • Act Designer • Performing Artist • AcroFuzion Physical Theater
Las Vegas, NV
Teacher Bio
Workshops can be customized. Curriculum &
class plans available upon request.
Teacher Résumé
Guest instructor, 2015
MOTH Contemporary Circus Center, Denver, CO
Director: Deena Marcum Selko
Guest instructor, 2014
Aerial Dreamworks, Colorado Springs, CO
Director: Kristy Powell
Guest instructor, 2011-12
Circus Warehouse, New York City
Director: Suzi Winson
Guest instructor, 2011-12
Aerialistic Circus & Flying School, Ventura, California
Directors: Gregg & Carmen Curtis
Workshop instructor, 2011
Festival Siguientescena, Querétaro, Mexico
Director: Nancy Moreno
Coach & Resident Choreographer, 2009
Le Studio, children’s school for circus arts, Los Angeles, CA. Director: Nathalie Gaulthier
Workshop instructor, 2009
The International Meeting Under the Tent (Encuentro Internacional Bajo la Carpa), Circo Sentido, Mexico City. Director: Karen Bernal
Workshop instructor, 2007
Movement Salon, NYC
Managing partner: Daniel Giel
Workshop instructor, 2007
Chelsea Piers Gymnastics, NYC
Director: Peter Korman
Instructor/choreographer, summer 2007
Texas Sports Ranch Gymnastics Camp
Directors: Shannon Miller & Peter Korman
Workshop instructor, 2007
AntiGravity, Orlando, FL
Managing Partner: Daniel Stover
Workshop instructor, 2007
Velocity Arts & Entertainment, Cue Space, Oakland, California.
Managing Partner: Jeffrey Ferns
Instructor/choreographer, 2007
Project Mosaic, youth circus program, Gymcats, Henderson, Nevada
Director: Mike Rice
Master class teacher, 2006
La Convención Internacional de Circo Y Escena, Puebla, México. Colectivo Circo Sentido, Compañia Rodara & Circomunidad Mexicana.
Director, choreographer & Instructor, 2006
Colectivo Circo Sentido, Body2body Workshop-Showcase, México, Distrito Federal
Instructor & performer, 2006
Underground Arts Connection, intensive for young dancers, Chicago, Illinois. Producer & Director, Terry Fox
Workshop instructor, 2006
Colectivo Circo Sentido, México, Distrito Federal
Director: Karen Bernal
Instructor, 2006
La Companya Dance Ensemble, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Artistic Director /Choreographer: Mariela Virna Morassut
Teaching gymnastics for all age groups, from toddlers to senior citizens, was the start of Stephan’s development as an educator. His profession of circus, theater and dance, brought the stage arts to his teaching repertoire. With those disciplines, a natural inclination to invention inspired the sharing of his devising-strategies for creators. Combined with years of introspective personal-growth training, Stephan teaches with more maturity, compassion and understanding than ever.
"Education, at its most engaging, is performance art."
~Jessica Lahey
“Good teaching balances sensitivity of interrelating with spontaneous creativity. Somewhere in that mix is an alchemy that catalyzes both student and teacher.”
~Stephan Choiniere
Gymnastics instructor & choreographer, 1994-2002
The Ailey School, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Ailey Junior Division Program, New York City
Director, Tracy Inman
Gymnastics instructor, 1994-2002
Sutton Gymnastics, New York City
Directors: Bill Hladik, Joanne Sotres & Marian Aronson
Assistant Coach, 1994-1995
The Hewitt School Gymnastics Team, New York City (private school for girls)
Gymnastics instructor, 1991-1994
Lincoln Turners Gymnastics, Chicago, Illinois